Marqueese Faison
7/11/2013 01:52:04 am

I Made A Mail Carrier Plane. I Made It BecAUse It Gelps People Deliver Mail Faster Than A Regular Mail Man!!!!

7/11/2013 04:01:15 am

The title of my invention is the Expandable Vertical Wind Turbine. This wind turbine is very expandable and you can make as many or as little modules as you want. Each module is smaller than the bottom and has a lot of surface area for optimal power generating. This design produces a lot of power for no pollution, and is minimalistic in terms of bui

7/11/2013 04:04:37 am

My invention is the expandable portable space shuttle it is made to conserve space

Brianna Bello
7/11/2013 04:05:02 am

Water pollution is a big problem. So I made a portable water bottle. You may say this is not a big deal, but with this invention you could drink out of the sea and not get sick. This deals with science and technology.

Brianna still
7/11/2013 04:08:38 am

People that live in a bad environment could drink water without being sick. I first made a piece of a geodesic dome except I made in into a square. Then I made a straw

Kanta H
7/11/2013 04:15:45 am

My innovation is foldable medicine. That helps people to easy to drink.
First medicine is fold and small, but when it go in to stomoch it going to big.

7/11/2013 04:21:57 am

I made The Origami Solar Panel. It's purpose is to be a solar panel that can fold up to fit inside a spaceship or even a space station. I also made a spaceship. It's purpose is to deliver the solar panel to the space station and then fold up to be stored inside until later needed. I also made The Origami Space Station. It's purpose is to help discover more about space and detach and fold up if needed.

7/11/2013 04:53:50 am

I made a invention called the Solor Nohouse. It helps save electricity.
The Steps
1.Get 10 colorful small square paper
2.Then chose 1 paper and fold it 4 times in half until the ends are equal
3. Unfold it and chos two opposite corners to fold in triangles till they reach the line.
4.Fold the paper sides in half together
5.Fold the comers back until the sides are equal on both side
6.Lift up one side that you fouled back and take one of the empty sides into it until the sides are equal.
7, Do six again to the other sides
8. Turn the diamond on its back
9. Fold the triangle to the farthest coner.
10. Do the last step twice
11. Fold the triangle together back to back
12. Unfold
13. Connect big parts to little parts on the pieces you made
14. The remaining paper use to make a Solor panel
15. Fold from front to back until there is no paper left

7/11/2013 05:59:58 am

My creation is named Plugger. The Plugger is used for if you are in the middle of nowhere with a charger but there are no sockets around to charge your electronics so when you get a Plugger all you need is solar power from the sun and your electronic will start charging there when you need it.


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